Community Development

Nina Manzi invites Stellenbosch’s youth to be agents of change.

The Stellenbosch Waldorf School celebrated Nina Manzi—a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facility focusing on serving the homeless population—during their Advent Celebration on 25 November 2023. As a direct response to Cape Town’s large population of unhoused homeless, Viva con Agua South Africa started the Nina Manzi initiative. Viva con Agua works towards providing water and sanitation for all, believing that by doing so, it restores dignity.

VcA’s collaboration at the Stellenbosch Waldorf School started earlier in 2023 on Mandela Day (18 July) where we had the privilege of engaging with some of the school’s bright minds. This activation focused on sharing the message that no one is ever too young to make a difference, and the power to effect change globally lies in leveraging your unique skills and talents. VcA is passionate about inspiring agents of change and steadfastly believes in ubuntu!

VcA’s activation during the Stellenbosch Waldorf School’s Advent Festival featured a stall to demonstrate a prototype of the Nina Manzi trailer. The stall also acted as an interface for visitors to meet the charismatic Say WASH crew who were involved in our recent award-winning campaign named Dance 4 WASH, which had a clear focus on highlighting the importance of good hygiene to keep your community safe.

The stall also featured a drawing station, inviting students to craft messages for the Nina Manzi clients. These heartfelt notes became threads weaving hope and connecting the festival attendees with the beneficiaries of VcA’s initiatives.

One of the highlights of the festival was the vibrant performance by the SAY WASH band. They demonstrated the power of music as a universal language that overcomes barriers often imposed by language barriers, advocating for the global cause of good handwashing practices. The beats resonated not only through the festival grounds but also in the hearts and feet of everyone present.

Stellenbosch Waldorf School’s Advent Festival wasn’t just a celebration; it was a vibrant fusion of fun and philanthropy. The spirit of giving, the power of music, and the creativity of young minds came together in a harmonious festive celebration. The Stellenbosch Waldorf School has also committed to gathering festive hampers for the Nina Manzi clients to be handed out later in December.

Viva con Agua SA would like to extend appreciation to their dedicated teachers, parents, and students for creating a community that demonstrated the magic that happens when hearts beat together in harmony.

Want to know more about our Nina Manzi initiative? Read more [HERE]

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