
Nina Manzi – the movement for restoring dignity 

Meet Nina Manzi, the mother of all water! Her mission? To bring water facilities to all, particularly to those who currently do not have access to a basic human right. 

Since 2021, Viva con Agua South Africa (VcA) has been on a mission to serve Cape Town’s homeless population through their mobile water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities, named Nina Manzi. 

A single Nina Manzi trailer can serve approximately 40 clients a day and offers private shower and toilet services. The creation of the facility was a direct response to seeing the need for WASH facilities for those living within the urban landscape that have limited or zero access to water and sanitation – a basic human right. 

Nina Manzi, an initiative by Viva con Agua South Africa, has co-designed its services using a human-centred design process. With the initiative being found on the belief that if no one person or organization takes responsibility, nothing will change, VcA is at the forefront of increasing accessibility to water and hygiene solutions, as well as and WASH education in South Africa. 

After the successful launch of the first trailer, VcA SA aims to establish networks with like-minded individuals and organisations to expand the reach of Nina Manzi and the services it offers. By adopting a social franchise model, VcA South Africa aims to upscale the impact of Nina Manzi by expanding the reach of its services. With the project’s headquarters in Cape Town driving expansion through Southern Africa, there are hopes of having at least one Nina Manzi trailer in each of the nine South African Provinces. 

1 February 2024 marked the launch of the Nina Manzi social franchise with the second facility now being parked at the Bellhaven Harm Reduction Centre in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3F723CsKAi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

By adopting our social franchise model, the partnering organisation becomes an integral part of our mission to expand access to water, sanitation, and hygiene services. Together, we can make a significant impact in transforming the lives of those who are currently denied access. In our expansion efforts, we emphasize local ownership, management and operations. This 

ensures that our franchisees have sufficient control to make well-informed decisions customized to best meet the needs of their clients. Our sanitation services should not be used as a stand-alone response to a community’s lack of water and sanitation access, as additional services for your current beneficiaries. 

“I find it [Nina Manzi trailer] absolutely incredible. It has everything you need. It is everything that you deserve as a human being. It dignifies a person, makes a person feel like you can go out into the world and actually accomplish something  again. Besides the bus I want to talk about how nice the people are to you [the Nina Manzi Team], how they respect you and remember your name.”  

Nina Manzi client 

Do you maybe want to expand your organisation to include WASH services? Or do you have an organisation in your community that are services disadvantaged people? Feel free to contact Lele @ p.muthali@vivaconagua.org.za for more information on how to get involved.  

Thank you for being part of the solution! It goes beyond providing water access; it is about upholding a human right, offering a second chance, and restoring dignity. 

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